B2B eCommerce solutions for Manufacturers

Modernise your legacy tech stack and deliver customised commerce services with our headless B2B ecommerce software solutions and transform your ways of interacting with your stakeholders

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Laying the technical foundation for B2B business success

Modern customers expect to browse products and buy them quickly anytime and from anywhere. You would like a flexible and strong B2B eCommerce platform if you want to increase sales, penetrate new markets, attract new clients, or enhance internal productivity with sophisticated automation features.

As a leading B2B eCommerce solutions provider for manufacturers, Magneto IT Solutions assists you in digitizing your conventional methods of customer interaction so that you can obtain significant competitive advantages in the near future.


Why do manufacturers need B2B ecommerce digitization?

B2B eCommerce headless solutions enable you to become more productive, grab customer attention, improve order accuracy, open up new markets and revenue streams, and position yourselves for the future.

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    Boost Sales

    For businesses, digital commerce has a number of advantages. By automating laborious procedures and optimising supply-chain operations, it lowers overhead costs and boosts sales by increasing customer visibility. However, we are aware that in order to deliver products to final consumers, manufacturers also collaborate with wholesalers and retailers. This can result in many types of B2B selling, such as running several selling channels concurrently, maintaining control along the entire value chain (B2B2C), or participating in multi-vendor marketplace selling. You can design unique portals for distributors, wholesalers, or retailers with our B2B eCommerce solutions. By doing this, you may provide them the option to place orders online with contract pricing and specially selected catalogues, providing your customers personalized experiences as soon as they log in.

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    E-commerce considerably expands your capacity for processing orders without necessitating the recruitment of additional distributors or sales representatives. Without having to see the customers in person, non-customizable goods can be sold right away. Additionally, you may easily access new markets and draw in new clients. As opposed to conversing with a salesperson, 68% of B2B consumers prefer to conduct their research online, therefore search engines are crucial for attracting new customers to your website. Therefore, improving your SEO and having a strong online presence are essential for bringing in new clients and gaining a competitive edge.

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    Enhance Customer Experience

    Buyers of today want the freedom to research, shop, and order using any device, whenever they want, and on their own terms. Self-service eCommerce is what they desire. However, choosing any eCommerce solution, integrating it into your website, and making your product catalogue available online are not the only steps in B2B eCommerce for manufacturing enterprises. We intend to develop the most adaptable manufacturer eCommerce solution for B2B companies because no two manufacturers are alike. The B2B eCommerce platform developed by us provides many buyer self-service options, including:

    automating product re-stocks

    managing past orders & invoice statuses

    supporting online requests for quotes, and more

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    Data centralization

    A B2B eCommerce platform, as opposed to traditional channels, will enable you to use personalisation features to provide consumers with the best product, complete with prices, product descriptions, and shipping details tailored to their needs. Additionally, these experiences can continue to be consistent as consumers switch between different devices and communication methods. Manufacturers can increase conversions, average order values, and repeat business by providing consistent omnichannel experiences. Businesses may effortlessly manage websites for many regions, brands, or clients using our B2B eCommerce solutions from a single admin panel.

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    Transform into D2C

    Manufacturers who sell directly to consumers profit greatly, enjoying larger margins, increased brand recognition, and access to priceless customer information. But they must watch out that their B2C activities don't undermine their current distribution systems.We build B2B eCommerce systems that result in adaptable processes that may accommodate any manufacturer-distributor relationship. Our adaptable online store platform can:

    accept orders through your B2B eCommerce website, then decide which distributors should carry out those orders based on distributor performance, location, or a round-robin method

    develop e-commerce websites that you can use to drop-ship products on behalf of your distributors

    create specialised websites that provide distributors price breaks while selling your products at a premium.

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    Improved efficiencies

    The efficiency and effectiveness of purchasing can be increased for manufacturers and other B2B sellers when orders are completed digitally. You may automate time-consuming manual procedures like checkout, billing, and inventory management by employing an ecommerce platform. Consequently, you free up time and resources for other essential business operations like marketing and customer service.

List of robust features you’ll get with our B2B eCommerce Solutions

The B2B platform developed by us offers features that help you overcome your business challenges, helping you provide a seamless experience for your customers.

Catalog Management

Manage and customise your product catalogs for particular businesses, departments, or even individual customers.

Account management

Administer corporate accounts across B2B enterprises, including various divisions, business units, and locations.

Access controls, roles & permissions

Define roles, give permissions and access to your employees, sellers and buyers according to your policies and organizational structure.

Multiple shopping & pricing lists

Generate and manage several pricing lists for particular corporate accounts, business units, or individual buyers while simultaneously enabling customers to create and save multiple shopping lists for a speedy future purchasing procedure.

Multiple webstore management

Control several web stores across different countries, currencies and tax regulations from a single central admin console.

Advanced segmentation capabilities

Generate custom reports & leverage superior segmentation abilities to monitor business KPIs and customer buying patterns.

Custom workflows

For increased flexibility in business operations, you can create an unlimited number of custom workflows to serve both buyer- and merchant-related tasks.

Content management systems

Create native CMS features to manage product information pages and digital assets with ease so that your customers have the knowledge they need to make a purchase.

Inventory management

Keep track of the availability of products in one or more warehouses, show buyers and sales representatives the inventory, and automatically update the inventory each time an order is placed.

Quotes & orders management

Allow customers to make orders, negotiate over prices, and get estimates via the website. At the same time, give your salesforce the ability to submit online buy orders and answer to RFQs.

Promotions & tax management

To attract new clients, set up incentives like order discounts, line item discounts, and free-shipping deals. Establish tax regulations for various jurisdictions based on the client, customer group, product, or product category.

SEO management

Define SEO-related information for your website, such as URL slugs, meta-titles, meta-descriptions, meta-keywords, and more.

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The results we deliver

250 +


14 +

Years of

$15 B+


400 +


15 +


12 +


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Mr. Amin Dolatshahi

Petzone, Group Marketing & Ecommerce Manager

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Max Herber

Badkamermeudel Outlet, Owner

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Hannah Roberts

Marketing Manager at Diamond Boutique

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Monica Sawyer

Owner at VP Wedding Planner

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Paul Daun

President of Diyi Technology

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Olu Obasanjo

Shoptroniks, LLC

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Evelyne DjamatDubois

Marketing Analyst at Glazers Wholesale Distributors

client slider person name

Jessica taylor

Job Recruitment Portal

Frequently asked questions

Why is eCommerce necessary for manufacturers?

The time has come. By 2023, B2B eCommerce is anticipated to reach $1.8 trillion. According to McKinsey, manufacturers who implement a business-to-business eCommerce strategy with a user-friendly interface can experience an average 30% increase in spending. Manufacturers use raw materials or products from other vendors to produce finished goods. According to today's demands, they wish to digitally modernize their companies and switch to new selling strategies like direct-to-consumer (D2C) selling or creating their own marketplace. Millennials make up the majority of B2B decision-makers, and they favour self-service and mobility. In this way, B2B eCommerce for manufacturers enhances productivity, sharpens customer focus, boosts order accuracy, opens up new markets and revenue streams, and positions manufacturers for future success.

What impact does technology have on manufacturing?

Manufacturers can see more of their data thanks to technology. More businesses are utilising this data to promote customer satisfaction, improve operational effectiveness, optimise production, and recenter the customer focus. The manufacturing sector is changing as a result of new generation digital solutions like B2B eCommerce manufacturing. Platforms that enable just-in-time production, improve inventory management, reduce delivery times, and improve customer experience are increasingly emerging as crucial tools in the sector.

How can a manufacturer build an effective ecommerce platform?

There are a few things to consider if you're thinking about launching a B2B ecommerce portal for your manufacturing company. Let's examine some of the crucial factors to take into account before building a successful B2B ecommerce portal for the manufacturing industry.

  1. Know your audience:Knowing your target market is one of the most crucial factors to take into account when developing a B2B ecommerce portal for manufacturing. You're presumably targeting a variety of buyers, including OEMs, resellers, and end users, so it's critical to comprehend their requirements and the processes by which they decide which products to acquire.

  2. Choose the right platform: Select the ideal B2B ecommerce platform once you've determined your target market. There are many options, but it's crucial to pick the one that's best for your business.

  3. Consider your product digital catalog: It's crucial to think about the kinds of things you'll be selling online when building a B2B ecommerce portal for manufacturing. Whether you want to sell finished things, raw materials, or both, is something you must decide. If you intend to sell finished goods, consider your inventory and transportation strategies. Verify your vendors can supply your demand if you are selling raw materials.

  4. Set up your ecommerce logistics to align with offline sales: Your logistics for online orders are one of the most crucial factors to take into account when creating a B2B ecommerce portal for manufacturing. Choose your procedures for handling orders, delivery, and returns.

  5. Promote your portal: Once your manufacturing B2B e-commerce portal has been launched, advertise it to draw customers. To reach your target audience, you can employ a variety of marketing methods.

Why are manufacturers hesitant to use eCommerce?

Even now, in the era of manufacturing's digital transformation, many manufacturers continue to use manual procedures. It is easy to understand why; after all, why would you want to alter the way you have been entering orders from Excel sheets into ERP and eProcurement systems? These jobs also divert personnel from important duties and leave a lot of possibility for error. Many manufacturers operate under strict deadlines and oversee labor-intensive, resource-intensive operations. They excel at streamlining these procedures, but they struggle to handle radical change. A flexible B2B eCommerce solution, however, gives manufacturers even more control, flexibility, and visibility to boost productivity and expand their business.

What features should manufacturers seek for in an eCommerce platform?

Manufacturers frequently begin comparing B2C platforms and their B2B features when looking for an eCommerce solution. Not all of these capabilities are capable of supporting B2B buyers' sophisticated requirements for price, approval structures, and product configurations. B2C systems frequently lack the adaptability, connection, and deployment options that manufacturers want. Systems for manufacturers must change as they expand. They ought to be able to introduce fresh goods, catalogues, and online shops. Reaching out to new clients in other areas and expanding into new industry verticals ought should be simple. A manufacturing-focused B2B eCommerce platform must therefore handle a limitless number of SKUs, product catalogues, price lists, different websites, languages, currencies, and system integrations.


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