Paving Store
Stone eCommerce Store

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Paving Store is renowned exporter and supplier of natural stones and marbles and their business is widely spreaded across various countries. Client is having the eCommerce business and they are doing pretty well as Magneto IT Solution is also taking care of their website, marketing and revenue strategy. Client had vision to explores new market in order to expand their business. Magneto advice the client to setup a different store developing as per the target audience behavior and strategy. There were several challenges in targeted market, as the customer was only willing to deal with the local and regional business owners. There was hardly a scope for international brand to trade in that occupation. With 10 years of experience in the industry Magneto IT Solutions helped the client with effective design eCommerce and brand launching strategy that given boost start to client business in very short time. In the end, the greatest impact was purely down to reorganization which gives the new website more user friendly appeal.

Problems regarding exploring the new market.

  • The client had the vision to dominate the targeted market, based on search it was found they had a lot of local competitors which certainly occupied the market.
  • The people were only interested to do business with local brands, therefore building brand reputation was challenged.
  • As an online payment method was not popular in the targeted region, discover the new payment methods were tough.
  • As per the research it was found most of the customers in the region were making a purchase from their phone. In initially phase client wanted to start with the eCommerce website, making the website responsive and deliver an experience like mobile application was important.
  • The integration with local shipping agencies was complicated as API’s was not available and need a more technical approach to build the connectors.


To serve its rapidly growing stone business, paving store turned to Magneto for the ability to tailor the shopping experience to customers and to increase the stability of their website. We have redesigned their website by adding some exclusive stone and marble designs which delivers great value to the customers to broadening the company`s reach in the emerging market.


  • Magneto has created a fully optimized and highly accessible eCommerce website to keep up the modern trends and help customers engage with the platform.
  • Easy navigation with search filter helped customer to easily look for specific category and products.
  • Magneto has created a clean, custom site design which includes many UI/UX features which offer incredible shopping experience on any type of devices.
  • With the study of competitors business and market, Magneto IT Solution had embraced the vivid design strategy to win the trust of the customers.
  • With Multi-warehouse architecture, Magneto IT Solutions created a fast and accurate shipping model.

Facts and Figures

After the launch of the store, based on the customers request and review, paving store over the time adapt various strategy which with more improved brand recognition. They have been features some of the journals and news channel for their tremendous achievement in natural stones industry. Paving Store has been the support system for the customer and has made the belief that no other shop system offers the same level of flexibility and scalability. Applying this train of thought their new website has been able to exploit on quick implementation right from its creation.

Take Away

Paving store entrusted Magneto IT to design a new ecommerce store, have their footprints in major towns and cities across US and UK. Profound research went into understanding customer expectations and experiences, pain-points of the business to accomplish the goals to enlarge their brand in the stone/online market.

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