IS mastery is an application for online tutorials courses and video lectures. We provide a holistic e-learning platform app for our clients requiring online delivery of tutorials for their users. The app gives maximum flexibility with respect to User Interface and Content Management. The aim is to reach a large number of users with highly interactive and customizable interface so as to meet the market goals and increase the conversion rate.
Magento IT Solution Mastery
Problems with providing online tutorial:
  • The major problem with the traditional online tutorials is the slow streaming and buffering issues.
  • Tutorials can’t be accessed on all the devices and on all the platforms which posed compatibility issues.
  • Tutorials can’t be accessed offline.
  • Tutorials are not available in all the formats (audio/video/doc).
  • Conventional Online tutorial lacks Interactive learning.
  • No complete control over UI which leads to stagnation in the traffic.
  • Language barriers leading to limited reach of the tutorials.
  • Management of the content was neither easy nor feasible for continuous updates in requirements.
Magento IT Solution Mastery
To overcome challenges that market was facing, client wanted to develop an online application for tutorials which will help their customer developing their business strategy, designing business model, licensing, publishing, and public relations. We have successfully developed a native solution for the client that serves to allay all the problems mentioned above.
  • Provides a native platform that offers template to customize splash screens, font and colors, courses, content, languages and much more.
  • Uses HLS media streaming protocol to deliver audio and visual content at a great speed.
  • Provides Audio-Video switchover, besides the content can be downloaded at the real time and could be watched later.
  • Uses AWS S3 elastic coder to compress the size of the stored content and provides a flexibility of cloud storage.
  • Personalize the User Interface in terms of attractive fonts, styles and themes for boosting traffic on their app.
  • Manage the labels and error messages through administrative rights ensuring flawless experience of the app.
  • Manage the content in terms of well-organized courses, topics and lectures for seamless delivery of high quality tutorials be it images, audio or video.
  • Provides an interactive learning platform with the feature of questionnaire, posting articles, pictures, etc.
  • The application offers to resume the video where you left off.
  • Customize the language of the tutorials for wider reachability across borders.
  • Categorize the course content based on the requirements of their users.
  • Manage the tags via which users can access the tutorials for maximum output to their users.
  • Easy access on cloud anywhere, anytime, any device.
Magento IT Solution Mastery
Facts & Figures:

The success of IS mastery can be easily seen by the drastic rise in their user base availing to themselves the joy of learning on the go. Plenty of customers have given positive review about the product and services and given best ratings.

Take away:
This case study determines that how Magneto It solutions improvises online learning process and help the client to generate more revenue and conversion rates. Magneto has helped clients develop the app that works best for them and with them. The app is keeping up with the latest demands in the market of E-learning while providing staggering results for the clients.
Magento IT Solution Mastery

Recognition from the top leading analytics agencies

Magneto IT Solutions has been repeatedly recognized by the leading analytics agencies. This is due to our endeavour in finding the perfect alignment between design, customer experience and technology.