Laravel PHP Framework: Top 12 Benefits Need to Know in 2019


Laravel- PHP framework offers a painless development cycle that simplifies common task in a significant way which used in most web projects.

Its inbuilt functions like authentication, routing, session and caching keep process lightweight yet elegant. Laravel development provides the privileges to a developer in such a way that they can develop the code with flexibility, so they can able to create entire thing from very small sites to massive enterprise application with ease. Laravel makes you feel the development with a blissful working methodology.

Laravel has a strong base in PHP framework that allows to takes opportunities of HTML; it provides classy and clean syntax that helps to build an enjoyable app using expressive and simple syntax. At the edge, the development procedures must be a pleasant experience rather than a painful one.


Source: Built with Laravel

Let’s figure out the PHP MVC framework Laravel’s customers:

  • Total number of download: 3,46,000
  • Number of Live Laravel website: 1,14,640+
  • Laravel received an award for “India in Web App” category
  • Most popular Tech-stack for “the Entire Internet in Web App” category

Laravel solely performs the great extent in the world of customization; it’s being used by many distinct industries for their business Growth such as:


Source: Similar tech

Laravel PHP framework is one of the leading in the recent tech-stack. “Taylor Otwell” is the creator of this fabulous framework, it provides a way beyond of excellence not because of its single-handed support, but due to its large online community support which allows continues responses through-out the entire web development cycle.

Let’s take a closer look of Top 10 Laravel framework Benefits that delivers an enormous pleasure for the next renewal of most popular server-side language of the web.

 1] Built-in Authorization & Authentication System

Identifying the authorized users and assigning the requested claimed access right is the essential thing for Web Proprietor, which helps to   deny the access permissions to unauthorized users for the secured resources.


Source: Google

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

Laravel allows to makes the authentication technique simple, each and everything already configured in a fantastic way. Laravel also provides the efficient or organized route to define the authorization logic and control access to resources with simplicity.

2] Easy Integration with Mail System

Mailing service is required to notify users for every segment of activities performed by them or by their interpersonal actions.

It’s become hard to visualize the modern system without email integration i.e. if users successfully login to the system without receiving the email notification related to successful registration over the web portal; it became the fundamental stuff for a new user.


Source: Google

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

Laravel has “SwiftMailer” Library that provides clean, simple API configuration for Mails with individual accounts.  Laravel also provides drivers for SMTP, Mailgun, Mandrill, SparkPost, Amazon SES, PHP’s “mail” function and “sendmail” that allows application for quickly getting started sending emails by local or cloud-based services.

Moreover, Laravel also supports for sending emails, including notifications across multiple delivery channels that included SMS and Slack.
laravel development company

3] Integration with Cached Memory for better execution

Caching used to improve the performance of any system or application; it is a portion of the memory of high-speed static RAM instead of slower or cheap Dynamic RAM.

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

Integration leads to improve or boost up the back-end performance ratio of any web app, Laravel provides support for Cache back-end likewise named as Redis and Memcached.

The inbuilt drivers of framework configured to use cache file which stores cached objects in the file system, although if you want to configure more cache then it would be possible in Laravel with its necessary commands or syntax line.

4] Effortless Exception & Configuration error handling

Exception handling plays the important role when it comes for user satisfaction and usability of the application.

Let’s assume the scenario where the user performs data-entry forms action, this is the case when most of errors are identified and after  pressing the submit button it popped-up with multiple lines of error such as “please fill the required data”, or “please fill the correct format”, or “do not enter more than 10 digits”.


Source: Google

 If user gets the notifications at the end of the whole action, ultimately it consumes more time than it actually needed.

When the data or information filled by user is wrong or missing, it should be reported to him/her in informative error messages that can  be easy to understand.

In the incident, where error handling is not implementing in the well-furnished way then user might decide not to come for further usage of this application. In the end, nobody wants to lose his or her valuable customer due to service unavailability or disappointing them.

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

Laravel already configured error and exception handling mechanism as the prerequisite.

Additionally, Laravel is integrated with Monolog Logging library that provides huge support for the variety of powerful log handler that handles multiple logs simultaneously.

5] Resolving attitude towards common Technical Vulnerabilities

Security Vulnerability is important as its performance speed with the development of any web application, some of the most suspicious  security concern like SQL Injections, cross-site request forgery, and cross-site scripting etc damage the application or system.

As professionals or developers, they must not forget to fix and debug all the technical issues before the delivery of any web project or application.

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

Laravel provides the privilege against the most dangerous or suspicious security threats like- SQL injection, cross-site request forgery, and  cross-site scripting. Although Laravel itself a secure framework, we can say that the code is insanely safe-guarded along with auditing by several people or community.

6] Smooth Automation of testing work

Automation testing is a traditional type of testing that can define the performance ratio whether the application will perform really well or without any crashes, bugs, errors.

Automation testing takes less-time compared to manual testing as the manual test will go hand in hand by each and every segment of code.

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

Laravel comes up with built-in testing functionalities helping you test PHP ticket system open source accurately and easily. ; supportive services for testing with the PHPUnit include the phpunit.xml file which has been already set up for the application. It offers the easiest way for basic behavior of users, that request for any application and examining the output i.e. if users click the links then fills out the form respectively.

7] Segregation of business logic code from Presentation Logic

Segregation gives privileges to HTML layout designer (UI/UX designer) for changing the appearance of a web page without any interactions with developers.

Ultimately, fixing the bugs and feature request can easily be made by developers with less time consumption, only if the application (whole coding) has the appropriate separation at a prior stage of the development.


Source: Google

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

As Laravel support MVC (Model-View-Controller) thus separation of logic and expression syntax has been already done.

8] Hassle-free URL routing configuration

URL routing is an essential thing for any web application that can be executed by a simple click or typing the link. It might display the desired content such as an article, or form, or piece of description.

What if URL is blank or it will redirect to a blank page, this leave really bad impact on the user, they will never use this link or return on the web page, none of the people want to lose their customer base.

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

Laravel has the inbuilt file configuration that defines in the app/Http/routes.php file that is automatically loaded by the framework. Basically, Laravel route simply accepts a URL and closure, and provide a simple yet elegant method for defining easy and identifiable routes.

9] Scheduling task configuration & Management

Schedule management is actually a process of developing, maintaining, and communicating schedules for the allocated time and resource.

When it comes to a necessity for sending out emails to subscribers on a daily basis or automatic clean up of the tables of the database at the end of the day that sooner or later result in hosting cost reduction.

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

Laravel has the scheduler called “command Scheduler” that allows for the eloquent and significant way for defining of command schedule within Laravel itself, only the single CRON entry is needed on the server.

Prior-time management of schedules can be done with the help of CRON entry likewise for each and every entry developers need to schedule, which is quite an achy task.
laravel development company

10] Secure in Nature

Securing nature or Security is the prime concern for any website or web portal for continues clients visit or generating more ROI.

Following Logic for Choosing Laravel:

When it comes to Laravel, it gives the portion of basic things that make your application way beyond secure. Laravel’s ORM utilizes the PDO which counteracts SQL injection and not able to violate systems firewall.

Furthermore, it prevents cross-site request forgery; its syntax consequently gets away from any HTML entities that being passed through view parameters, averts cross-site scripting, and gives privilege for utilizing the proper components of the framework.

11] Accessible for Object-Oriented Libraries

With the comparison of multiple frameworks of PHP, Laravel comes under the list of behavior that supports object-oriented libraries.

Laravel already has the greatest file of object-oriented along with pre-introduced libraries (Likewise Authentication, Authorization, Session, and Caching) mentioned as follow:

  • CSRF operations
  • Protection
  • Encryption
  • Bcrypt hosting
  • Password reset

12] Flawless Database Migration

 Syncing the database between the development machines is a quite tedious yet important aspect for developers.

Developers can leverage on Laravel’s database migration mechanism, after spending long working hours on syncing the rolled out command may improve the database. Based on some of the comparisons MySQL is not only a great but fantastic method to sync databases between the development machinery.

Summing Up:-

Laravel is one of the renowned PHP frameworks features that provide vital characteristics with its large online, on-growing community support.

When it comes to developing the web application, it includes a developer’s creative logic along with handling or bug fixing methodologies.

Usually, the expert believes in consuming as little as less time for developing the new or latest features rich application that displays the modules of an entire web application.

“Framework” provides a platform for building a software application so that developers cab able to develop the creative logic that helps to deploy a task even easier than before including faster application logic within a timely manner

Laravel has the capability to make or deliver the application in a timely and cost-effective way, also offers the scalable intuitive solution that full-fill all your business need. Thus, finding the newbie developer will not be a difficult task as Laravel has already put its benchmark.

Key-Points behind the popularity of LARAVEL:

  • Provides privileges to a developer in such as way that can able to finish a hundred lines of codes within a few lines of logic
  • It takes really less time for a newbie to get used to with Laravel as numerous Laravel-PHP framework tutorial is already available with a brief set of information
  • Laravel’s community releases the upgraded version after the release of a recent The aim of version is to resolve the issue or bugs in the existing version. Currently, the update of Laravel-PHP framework version is 5.7 which was released on 4th September 2018
  • Additionally, writing unit test is time-consuming; nevertheless, it represents the worth of spending time on unit testing as it delivers a quality of products or services. In this case, Laravel already integrated this vital part into the functionality that works like “cheery on the cake”
  • The large Laravel community plays a substantial role as hand-in-hand support. Due to its detailed descriptions, developers need not spend much more time analyzing or practicing in building or maintaining a web app that makes sense about how implementation can be done and can form its worth.

How to choose a partner for Web development?

Developing the web app or mobile based solution is essential things for world-wide business growth. When you have a great business idea that can earn numerous profits in the business, as long as if you’re looking for a Tech-partner whom you can rely on or who is responsible to cultivate your proffer ideas into reality is quite a monotonous task.

Magneto-as a Laravel development company believes in providing adroit and highly customized web design solutions that surge your business ahead of competitive challenges.  We offer the list of services for Laravel as follows:

  • Web Application Development
  • Laravel Enterprise Solution
  • Laravel eCommerce Solution
  • RESTful app development
  • Data Migration
  • Custom App development
  • Support and Maintenance

Grasp a chance to hire Laravel developers from Magneto for a robust, highly-customized and expert business solution which keeps you headway compared with your competitors.


Bhargav Thakkar

Bhargav Thakkar is a co-founder of Magneto IT Solutions, specializing in eCommerce consulting and digital commerce transformation for B2B, B2C, and D2C companies. With a unique combination of eCommerce expertise and business strategy, he helps businesses choose the right platform and execute successful digital commerce transformations.

Recognition from the top leading analytics agencies

Magneto IT Solutions has been repeatedly recognized by the leading analytics agencies. This is due to our endeavour in finding the perfect alignment between design, customer experience and technology.