Back in the last quarter of 2010, Google launched an open-source web application framework to mainly overcome issues faced to develop single page applications. It is a complete JavaScript based web application framework that is meant to operate on the client side as well as on the serve side. Post its launch it is a highly preferable framework because of several features that it offers. Let go through these as to what makes this framework so preferable and different from others.
There is no well-defined structure when we write JavaScript usually. This is fine when we create small apps, but it certainly is not suitable for large scale apps. Using AngularJS it is possible to structure the source code by following either the MVC (Model-View-Controller) or MVVM (Model-View-Viewmodel) standards. We can say that AngularJS is a MVW framework where W stands for “Whatever works for you”. By organizing your code into units or modules, you dramatically improve the testability and maintainability of your app. Because of which there is a lot of convenience for the developer in Angular JS Development.
Data binding is certainly one the best features in AngularJS because it executes the code by initially reading the HTML page. The model can be embedded with HTML elements using tags of tag attribute.Thus here, when there is a change in models, the view is automatically gets updated and vice versa. Hence with this, the amount of boilerplate code is reduced to a great extent which is written to keep the model and view in sync.
AngularJS Directives let you teach HTML new syntax. You can create reusable custom components with the directive API. Directives are markers on a DOM element which attach a special behavior to it. For example, static HTML does not know how to create and display a date picker widget. To teach HTML this new syntax we need a directive. The directive will create<data-picker/> component that behaves like a date picker. If you want a fancy file uploader with progress indicator you can go ahead and create a <file-upload/> component.
AngularJS uses HTML for templating. This keeps things simple and allows designers and developers to work simultaneously. Designers can create UIs in the usual way and developers can use declarative binding syntax to tie different UI components with data models very easily.An Angular template looks pretty much like a markup, except for its attributes. To make it dynamic, however we need to add a elements and attributes like markups, directives, filters, form controls etc.
The best thing about AngularJS is that it’s a good team player. It never requires full commitment. As the AngularJS official website says, you can use as much or as little of AngularJS in your project as you need. AngularJS supports Dependency Injection out of the box. If you need something, you just ask Angular to inject it for you. This hugely improves test-ability, as you can easily mock the components during testing. AngularJS was created with testability in mind. The modules and Dependency Injection system make unit testing way easier. Furthermore, AngularJS offers a tool called Protractor which makes end-to-end and unit test runner setup. So, the code you develop is always testable and maintainable.
That’s not all! AngularJS also offers many more useful features like routing, filters, and animations that make AngularJS one of a kind. This article will give you base about AngularJS which will help you to hire AngularJS developers who at least know these basic features. With all these features you are able to get up and run AngularJS as well as put your application in a way that is maintainable and extensible.