On-demand service app acts as a mediator between customers and fitness enthusiasts from different places. This app sits inside the pockets of users and the enthusiast fitness trainers to cater to each and every fitness need to you in real-time. This application has helped to connect people who are seeking for professional fitness training from vetted certified personal trainers, nutritionist, and group class’s instructor to a healthier lifestyle at the utmost easy and convenient way. So this case study is emphasizing on the involvement of Magneto IT Solutions in building this on-demand application.
Magento IT Solution Fitlinker
Problem regarding On-demand fitness training
  • Getting a personal trainer these days has become havoc as they are not available on our nearby locations.
  • The background check of trainers becomes diffficult if we have just migrated to new city, getting genuinely certified and qualified personal trainers is not that easy in unknown places.
  • Most of the people are working off hours and are struggling to find a way in shape.
  • Getting into subcription model is not convenient because of our dynamic schedule which keeps on changing.
  • Doing Booking for personal trainers and paying them securely for hourly, daily, weekly and monthly.
  • Checking different trainers plan and packages and comparing it according to pur requirements by going directly to their places is not feasible for the customer.
  • There is no transparency in paying the fees to the personal trainers.
Magento IT Solution Fitlinker
To fulfil the demand of fitness freaks and prodessional trainers magneto It solutions developed on-demand platform. Two applications were build, one for user and other for the trainer. Application providers 24x7 services that is available at the doorstep by user friendly interface, easy registraion, choosing from the variety of certified at affordable prices and doing payment securely. Users can give feedbackinterface, easy continual service improvement.
Benefits to customers using this application:
  • Users can book for the service at the convenience of their time and location.
  • Can get the important push notifications about the type of service, fares, service details, etc. using the SMS and Email services.
  • Users are provided with an option to contact the service provider to coordinate the service booking.
  • Multiple payment methods are available to user such as credit card, debit card, cash , mobile wallets, etc.
  • Users can share their service experience, rate and provide a feedback about the service provider.
  • Users can cancel the booking for rhe service whenever they feel like before the service starts.
  • Users can anytime view the history of the service taken by them within the same account along with the charges incurred for each service.
  • Users can schedule a service that they wish to take beforehand and can also decide to get served later on.
  • The feature allows the user to benefit with the help of the promo codes, discounts, coupons, referrals, etc.
  • Users can set the service they frequently use as their favourite service so as to cut the efforts to again search for the service.
  • Once the user makes the booking for the service, the user can determine the arrival time of service provider by tracking the service provider’s current location.
  • It’s just a two steps process for booking the services.
  • Users can view the nearby service providers location.
  • Customers can also get a personalized nutrition specialist based on their needs and goals.
  • Customers need not to pay any charges for using this application as it is free of cost to download and for the use.
  • Customers need not to get into contracts for a longer period of time, only time and place is required.
  • Customers will get 24x7 support from our trainers and from the application.
  • As our life is very dynamic this application also provides dynamic features to book or cancel the booking one hour before without any charges applied.
  • Getting training in a group becomes simple as it comes with a pocket-friendly option you just need time and location that needs to be arranged from the customer side.
Magento IT Solution Fitlinker
Benefits to FitLinker trainers:
  • With an efficient start-up ecosystem evolving people will get the platform to show cast their skills, trainers can become their own boss as such there is no one who will be ruling on them.
  • Can provide availability to provide services in the preferred locations.
  • Will get a platform where trainers can get into contacts with new clients and customers every day.
  • The availability and the information will be updated by the service providers.
  • Getting the reviews from the users from different locations can help them to build credibility and expand their network.
  • rainers get an option of working part time or full time, in different cities and location according to their wish.
  • No need to invest money on a property you can work from anywhere and anytime just simply by downloading this smart application in your smartphone.
Magento IT Solution Fitlinker
Facts & Figures

FitLinker is one of the best health and fitness application. As mobile phone user base around the world has been growing at an unprecedented rate. Millions of people are spending money to avail the perks of the convenient at-door service. Billions of money is earned and people are happily spending on-demand application. The success of the FitLinker lies in the users who are giving best reviews after getting the best service from the professional trainers.

Take Away
This case study elaborates that how Magneto IT Solutions has given the best advice to build the On-Demand service platform which is in trend and demand in these days and which can cater the needs of millions of users from the United States. With on-demand solutions users could stay connected with their personal trainers 24 x 7 by availing greater flexibility of business to reach broader audiences on the go.
Magento IT Solution Fitlinker

Recognition from the top leading analytics agencies

Magneto IT Solutions has been repeatedly recognized by the leading analytics agencies. This is due to our endeavour in finding the perfect alignment between design, customer experience and technology.