To overcome the above mentioned issues, the client wanted to design an app which can provide one-stop facility to both associates and contractors. In this solution, the admin will be the business owner who manages associates and contractors. We will provide a platform where the admin will assign projects to the associates, and then the associates will upload their requests which will be automatically allocated to the nearby contractors based on the location. The other way is associates can choose the contractors for their request from the contractor list available with them. It provides reachability and flexibility to the associates and contractors. By adding a binding feature in the app it provides price transparency and best price choice to the associates from the contractors. We have successfully developed an excellent app way is for the client that serves to allay all the problems mentioned above in the most fascinating professionalism.
- Designed a digital platform which helps to give an automatic update to the associates and contractors.
- Designed the entire process on a single app which can let the associates get their services in few clicks.
- It has a bidding facility for the contractor through which associates gets the price of each nearby contractors based on location and can choose best out of them.
- Notification: Push notification about the deadlines and bidding features are sent to the associates and contractors.
- The solution made the process much easier to manage and transparent for admin.
- We designed the app to entertain every specific need of associates and contractors.
- Enhanced associate convenience like- Lower search costs (efforts required to find the right contractor) now can be done in a few clicks.
- An integrated accurate tracking system which provide the associate's real-time update about the status provided by the contractors.
- It provides access to admin, stakeholder, and associates.
- Greater price transparency/ cost transparency enables associates to engage in price discrimination.