According to the economists, the e-commerce industry is booming day by day and businesses are generating good revenue out of it. To keep up with this growing industry, all the e-commerce start-up businesses should look into the strategies to implement and work on to face the online competition.
Online workers need to work on adopting mobile-first strategies as the mobile usage of almost every other individual is growing day by day or you can say mobile is the first thing people see in the morning and last they see before going to sleep.
Due to which online merchants and all the other businesses are left with no choice but to apply this mobile-first strategy. The online merchants should have a flexible business plan where they always ready to welcome new e-commerce technological changes into their business to secure their business future.
1. Create a Content Marketing Strategy before Starting:
Before starting your e-commerce business you cannot run your small business without it. You need to create a business plan which should cover every aspect of it, how you will reach your targeted customers and what strategies you will focus more on and how you will create and distribute your content among the posts, blogs, videos.

Make a schedule to analyze the progress of every strategy you have implemented. Developing the right content is very important for e-commerce start-ups to reach their right audience for the products/service offered.
The more effective the content marketing strategy will be, the more it will increase the online traffic towards your website or social media page.

2. Generate Email Marketing Campaign That’s Automated:
For all the online marketers who want to attract their audience and build a strong relationship with them, they should focus on generating an influencing email marketing campaigns.

Some people might think of email marketing campaign as an old-school thought, but the reality is that it is still effective to gain the attention of customers for both online and offline businesses by sending them useful information related to your products/services.
3. With Social Media, Consider Diversifying Your Platforms:
For all the e-commerce companies it is a difficult decision to choose between the social media platforms where they should market and where they should not.
As there are diversified platforms offering so many opportunities to the e-commerce companies to spread their brand’s awareness among the customers and generate revenue through online sales.

Deciding which platforms of social media to create your online business presence is more like investing in stocks; you need to analyze which platform possess the audience you are looking for to sell your product and services. Social media platforms are providing e-commerce companies to spread their content using these platforms as a medium to attract and reach their audience.
4. Put a Personalization Strategy into Action:
Nowadays, due to the overcrowded newsfeed on social media accounts, it has become difficult for e-commerce businesses to reach their audience and to do so; you need to focus more on sending and creating personalized marketing campaigns for your target audience.

Businesses need to work on creating specialized content for people in every aspect from emails to video and images related to your marketing campaigns.
Try to address your customers by their good name in your emails to build a strong relation with them, send out videos and images to increase their engagement as not everyone is interested in reading out lengthy paragraphed information related to your products, people are looking for more visual and interesting content.
Related Articel: 15 E-Commerce Content Marketing Tools You Must Try In 2018
Everything related to personalization makes your customers feel special and valued by your business, personalizing your content makes them feel like that you are dealing them face to face, which leads to higher brand likability by the people.
5. Make Your Own Original Content:
All those e-commerce start-ups who want to stand out this year should work more on building a strong relation with their customers, but for building this connection with your customers, it requires you to make original content.
Original content means creating videos, and blog posts etc to help your customers be more knowledgeable about your e-commerce company and the products/services offered by them.
6. Opt for User Generated Content:
In order to be more authentic and interactive among your target audience you should opt for user-generated content as it is a way more effective way to attract more customers to buy your products and services, it is also cost-effective for the business as they don’t have to put much money and time into your marketing campaigns.
7. Implement a Loyalty Program:
Every business needs some of the loyal customers to prefer shopping from their business over other their competitors but it is not easy to earn the loyalty of many customers in this short-time, but there are still so many options to do so.

You should introduce loyalty program to bring more people to your website and do purchases to get the reward offered according to the loyalty card program.
This program encourages their loyal customers to spend some extra money, and they will be rewarded for spending little extra money on buying the products/services offered by your e-commerce business.

8. Reach Out to Customers in Their Native Languages:
As it is a common practice among the e-commerce stores to sell their products/service worldwide, but it’s not that simple to make sales out of it.
Related Articel: 9 Ecommerce Store Optimization Tips That Boost Your Conversion In 2018
You need to be more efficient about your communication skills, knowing English is not enough for you to sell your products all over the world. You need to provide your website with the feature of translation to sell your products in other countries where their native language is not English.
9. Optimize for the Mobile World:
Optimizing your website for mobile users is compulsory for all the online business to provide the mobile users who are accessing your website using their mobile phone an effortless experience.

Also, consider your website design should be mobile-friendly as they don’t have to access your website especially from a desktop or other devices due to non-mobile friendly website design.
10. Make Your Delivery Options Better Than the Rest:
All the customers who order products from online stores are mainly concerned about the delivery channel you are using to deliver them the products. Almost every other e-shopper wants to have the ordered item delivered in no time.
To make your company stand-out among the other e-commerce companies you need to think of the delivery option which is best for your products and delivers the products as quickly as possible. The faster your delivery services will be the more it will increase the chance of your e-commerce company to stand-out in 2018.
In the case, you require capital for startup or to run the business efficiently. Here is a link to help you out!
About the Author:

David Simmons is a financial analyst and accounting expert. He has in-depth knowledge about setting up small businesses as well as creating profitable investments. He regularly contributes articles related to business and loans at