Handyman Job Application Solutions

Maximize revenue sources with the best user-friendly handyman application solutions for iOS, Android, or web. Our highly optimized UI converts users and brings your handyman business near autopilot.

Magneto It Solution

User App

    • Login Page: Every user can access through G-mail or Facebook.
    • Profile: User can generate and manage their profile by entering details with an image.
    • GPS for Location: Easy to locate the current location via GPS.
    • Services List: It is easy to navigate around the services list, from which the user can choose the particular services that are required.
    • Active Orders: Every order can be tracked by using Order ID, order date & time and payment option.
    • Order History: Even the user can go through the order history, where they will find the list of completed and cancelled orders.
    • Favorite Services: Manage your favorite services which are made for users, who use these services periodically.
    • How Does App Work? It will guide the user to learn more about the app and features so that the user can use the app easily and smoothly.
    • Notifications: It keeps entire track of the services, where every single step user will get an update on their notification tab.
    • Contact Us: No user has to run through any hassle contact us will help the user to solve all the queries regarding the services.
Magneto It Solution

Services Provider App Features

    • Login & Register: Login access for service providers.
    • Sign Up: Service providers will join easily to your business for serving with quick navigation and to reach out customer’s home for the services.
    • Profile: Service provider can manage their profile details and services within the app.
    • Job Request: It displays the list of requested jobs by the user for which service provider has to respond.
    • Active Orders: It shows all the active orders list which are accepted by the service provider.
    • History: Easy to track previous orders through history orders tab, which will share the entire log detail over services.
    • My Services: In this service provider can manage the cost and activity status.
    • Service Availability: The service provider can manage service availability.
    • Add Services: Here service provider can add extra services by inputting the details over service related tasks.
    • Update Password: The service provides can change an application password.
    • Contact us: For connecting with customer care, if any help is needed regarding the app.
Magneto It Solution

Admin Features

    • Master Data: Admin can clearly see the services of service providers with overall information about the services.


    • Customers Detail and Reviews: Admin can go through all the information about the users and status of the user in the app.
    • Reviews: Admin can access and manage all the reviews which have been posted by users.
    • Service Provider: Admin has access to see the entire details and status of service providers through this app.

    Bookings Management:

    • Bookings: Admin will be able to see the complete details of bookings.
    • Booking Request: Admin can check the booking and status of those bookings.
    • Users: Admin will be able to manage all service availing users from admin panel.

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