Seamless registration process
Using a script. you can send registrant information from a remote webcast registration page to an ON24 registration database with Seamless Registration.
Order Management
You can easily manage your orders and returns, including changing the payment status, tracking information, and the status.
Easy Data Import/Export From Excel
The data includes jewelry and its details that you want to showcase in the website. can be effortlessly imported and exported from excel.
IBJA's Indicative Retail Selling Rates
Customers can easily check Metal Purity. Opening. and Closing rates of gold jewelry.
Jewellery Catalogues (HD photos)
High-dimension pictures of jewelry pieces would attract the right customers and increase traffic to your website.
Jewellery Filters
Jewelry filters like Necklaces, Rings, Earrings, Necklace Sets, and Anklets are available for easy navigation.
Voice Commander
Accept Voice Recognition Commands and return results without asking the user to enter anything.
Analytical Dashboard for Monitoring Progress
Get intuitive insights into your day-to-day business operations to improve overall performance.
Push Notification
It allows you to communicate with your customers in real-time, telling them of discounts, special offers, best deals, and other updates that encourage them to return to your online business and increase conversions.