Reina Scrubs is one of the leading medical garments eCommerce store in United States. The client was having the store in magento 1.9; they had vision of providing better shopping experience by introducing some advanced features. Based on its complexity, different it companies that client consulted were struggling to provide any concrete output. Magneto took it as challenge and consulted the client to develop fresh magento with better shopping experience and customer centric user experience. Client`s aim was to develop the tendency to set the trend by importing the new designs on a regular basis to built the reputation of the website. Client wants to get rid of bugs and issues with their previous website so they thought about to developing fresh Magento 2.0 store to enhance the brand experience and up scaled store performance. Magneto reshaped their entire multifaceted Magento Ecommerce store by saving time and money while delivering consistent, seamless and Omni-channel experience.
For Reina Scrubs, Magneto has designed exclusive features and functionalities to create a niche solution for the latest version of a Magento eCommerce store. Extensive research went into understanding the user experience and expectations and larger goals for brand expansion. To keep the users involved each and every challenges were overcome on a priority basis.
Due to increasing number of demands for medical uniforms, client decided to build a powerful online business that suits each and every business needs for a modern web application. Their idea has supported many customers in overcoming obstacles and market potential. They have created an intelligent ecosystem which builds the image into the minds of custom
In order to expand Reina Scrubs, Magneto implemented the new system architecture with more flexible and future-oriented approach. Their entire site is geared towards intuitive user journey and customer centric approach.